[Raids] gw2raidar.com – APIs, Global Raid Reports, Performance Profiles and other stuff

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Major Feature Updates


Looks like there is a small bug at the moment where Most Recent will show the second most recent data (pre PoF). Change to PoF era and that will show the current Era statistics

My last post showcasing the data we have on hand was pretty popular. So we’ve now built it into the website. Anyone, even non-users, will be able to view insights about each raid, Fractal CM encounter and even Golems with a few simple clicks. All insights are not based on vacuum conditions but real, successful encounters whether they be meta compositions and builds or the complete opposite.

My hope is that this information will help new and veteran players alike understand that not everything is about benchmark golem DPS numbers (though they are a good starting point!).

NB: Yes we’re aware of some Firebrands are being classified as support. We’re going to be working on a new classification system that should fix this as well as differentiate between CPS and DPS Berserkers amongst other similar geared professions.

Performance Profiles

The profile page was handy for seeing at a glance how you performed overall as a player. We’ve expanded this concept further by including performance over time graphs and comparing them to global metrics. This will allow you to personally review your performance over time and compare to the broader community to see roughly where you sit.

As always, profile views are only viewable by the logged in user.

API Endpoint

To make things a bit easier for people, especially those that raid daily, we’ve created an API endpoint so you can script auto uploads of your log files to the GW2Raidar server meaning once you finish your raid, all you have to do is simply log on and view the processed log files and information!

Encounters update

We’ve added even more information to the encounters page. The main addition now is boon output and we’ve elected to display it slightly differently to how other parsers show it. You’ll be able to see who contributed to your buff uptimes and see where some improvements can be made. e.g. Chronos stealing a regen druids regeneration ticks!

Upcoming Features

There’s still a fair bit of things we are looking at doing with the next few major features we intend to look at below.

  1. Leaderboards – Weekly clears, top clears and more.
  2. Guild / Static Groupings – Group profiles, statistics etc.
  3. Personal rankings – Private rankings for your raid performance, whether percentile, ranking system (e.g. S, A, B, C etc) or both.

While we have a basic idea of what we want to do with these, we’d love to hear your thoughts and suggestions on what you’d like to see (whether above or otherwise!).